Mawsons Concrete & Quarries
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Coronavirus Email- 23rd March, 2020.

by Rom Tuohey | Mar 24, 2020

Hello Everyone,

At Mawsons, at the moment and until we are formally advised otherwise, we remain open and fully operational at all of our sites. There is currently no indication of a NSW/ Victorian border closure. We are being assured by our suppliers that raw materials, eg fuel and cement, will continue to flow as normal. If you are asked, please reassure our people and our customers of this position.

Upcoming school holidays will require thoughtful management of rosters and annual leave as normal.

Working from home or reduced/staggered hours may be options for some staff. If you think that this can work for you, at least in the short term, please discuss the possibilities with your GM.

If you are concerned about running out of leave please also speak with your GM. In conjunction with the programs that Governments are now setting up it is our objective that Mawsons’ people avoid significant financial disadvantage caused by Coronavirus impacting severely on our business. We do not know how long this situation will last or how much restrictions will tighten in coming weeks but the latest advice is that we need to have a 6 month plan.

I have attached my earlier email regarding Coronavirus. The contents of that email dated March 17th remain completely relevant. The points around personal hygiene (hand washing, coughing, sneezing etc) are being reinforced by Government Authorities. It remains critical for everyone to follow the Self-assessment flowchart and for anyone who is feeling unwell not to come to work.

Since March 17th there has been an increased emphasis on “Social distancing” and minimising direct contact with others. A Government information sheet regarding this is attached. Please post this sheet at your workplace and follow these guidelines wherever practical. Measures such as spreading out within offices and across sites, staggering breaks, having on-line rather than face-to-face meetings and minimising travel between sites, are all worth implementing straight away.

I greatly appreciate everyone’s continued co-operation as we move through these uncertain times. I will keep you updated as further formal directions come in.

Kind regards,
John Mawson



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