Rom Tuohey | Mar 31, 2020
Mawsons Coronavirus site protocols 31 March 2020
Hello Everyone,
As Coronavirus remains a very significant health issue at our work sites it is necessary to implement additional measures to minimise the risk of transmissions. The attached set of protocols are unfortunate but I expect you all understand that these are difficult times and our first priority is to keep everyone well.
Please print off this sheet, explain it to your teams and hang it up on notice boards and lunchroom and office doors.
I understand that many of you are following some of these practices already, great if you are. There will be some additional measures here that you also need to implement promptly please. If you have concerns about the practicality of what is set out here please contact your GM. Advice about cleaning practices to help control Coronavirus can be found at
Earlier instructions about not coming to work if you feel unwell, social distancing and regular handwashing remain critically important, please ensure that you and the people around you continue to follow these instructions.
Further directions about revised paperless delivery protocols and protection of our more vulnerable employees will be sent out in the next 24 hours.
Thank you for your continued co-operation.
Kind regards,
John Mawson