Mawsons Concrete & Quarries
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Coronavirus Email - 31st March, 2020 - Quarries - No contact delivery procedure

by Rom Tuohey | Apr 01, 2020

Corona Paperless operations at Mawsons Quarries

Hi Everyone,

I am sure that you all appreciate the need to minimise physical contact and the exchange of paper or materials that could transmit Coronavirus. Many of you will have already implemented measures to reduce these risks; well done!

Attached are detailed instructions that all quarry employees and contractors are required to follow ASAP. I apologize for the short notice but the sooner we can get this happening the lower our risks and hopefully the longer we will be able to keep trading. A similar set of instructions have already been issued to concrete employees and contractors shortly.

A copy of this email and the attachments will also be placed on our website and intranet should you wish to refer any customers or employees.

Truck drivers will be able to use their existing Daily Work sheets for recording the required information. You will need to print out a copy of the procedure for each driver and relevant people within your teams and explain what is required of them. There should be minimal changes at the weighbridge and the drivers will need to write down some more details while remaining in their trucks.

If you have any concerns or difficulties please speak with your Regional Manager, Phil Ryan or David.

Thanks again for your on-going co-operation.

Kind regards,

John Mawson


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