Mawsons Concrete & Quarries
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Coronavirus Email- April 7th, 2020

by Rom Tuohey | Apr 08, 2020


Hello everyone,

We remain open and active thanks to the support of all our people who continue to plan and work carefully. Our wide-ranging disease control measures including; Social Distancing, working from home, paperless deliveries, lunchroom controls, hand washing and staying at home if you are at all unwell, are helping to keep our workforce healthy. Well done everyone!

We must continue to be most vigilant in following all of these measures. If you are unsure of any of the requirements the 4 relevant All Staff emails with instructions are posted on our website and intranet under the “News” heading. These measures will remain in place until the Government advises they can be relaxed; that may be some time.

I have attached a picture taken in the Head Office lunchroom today; our site protocols are displayed and the cupboards are locked until further notice. This should be the same at all Mawsons’ sites.

Can all managers please print off this email and display it on noticeboards as appropriate.

If you or anyone in your family are feeling stressed by the current situation please remember that our Employee Assistance Program is available for support on 1300 360 364 or via the link on our intranet page.

Set out below are instructions Steve sent to Managers last week regarding a reporting procedure to monitor all Staff who appear unwell or may have come into contact with a Coronavirus positive person or are on sick leave. This process has been working well and again I thank everyone for their co-operation in implementing this extraordinary but highly effective measure. Like all our other measures this procedure is on-going.

The process comes into effect if any of our people (including contractors) present to work with flu like symptoms or notify their Manager that they have flu-like symptoms or have been in close contact with a person who has been confirmed as having Covid-19.

The first step is to call either Jasmin or Steve

Subject to this conversation, a decision will then be made whether the person poses a risk and should be sent home.  

If sent home, a member of Steve’s team will then contact the person and discuss their situation. The person will be managed in the same way as Mawsons would manage any injury or illness. When they are well all efforts will be made to return people to work as soon as possible. This will obviously be determined by their medical condition and the current government and industrial guidelines.

For your reference, flu symptoms are:

  • fever
  • coughing, sore throat and fatigue
  • shortness of breath

Close contact is defined as: 

  • spending more than 15 minutes face-to-face with someone who is a confirmed case, in the 24 hours before they showed symptoms or after they showed symptoms.
  • sharing a closed space for more than two hours with someone who is a confirmed case, in the 24 hours before they showed symptoms or after they showed symptoms

Thanks again to everyone for your patience and understanding as we strive to stay healthy and keep operating during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Kind regards,

John Mawson




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