Mawsons Concrete & Quarries
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Coronavirus Email - 1st June, 2020 - Continuation of Coronavirus Measures

by Paul Hagan | Jun 01, 2020

Hello Everyone,


A couple of weeks ago I advised that we would continue our Coronavirus Control Measures, including Social Distancing etc., at least until the end of May. That time has come and it is apparent that the threat of a further Coronavirus outbreak has not passed. Further, at least in Victoria, we remain in a State of Emergency.


All our people, staff and contractors, continue to do a great job, keeping the business running safely and efficiently under these difficult circumstances. We continue to closely monitor any absences and employee health at all sites. Everyone at work is well and all our sites remain open. While it would be great to relax all of these control measures it is not yet the time to take that step. Therefore I am asking that we continue with what we are doing for at least another month, until the end of June. We will review the Government Health advice and our particular work situations again then.


Now that schools have reopened some of you who are working from home every day, may wish to explore the possibilities of returning to your Mawsons office. You can discuss this with your General Manager. It may be that an “In-office roster” can be developed amongst your team? Please be aware however that anything we do must remain in strict accordance with Government Social Distancing and Hygiene requirements as well as our own Mawsons’ Coronavirus Control Measures, including lunchroom protocols (as reproduced on our intranet and websites).


Thanks again for your continued co-operation.


Kind regards,






John Mawson


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