Mawsons Concrete & Quarries
Enquiries 1800 423 456

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2023 Family Day

by Rachel Whittaker | Oct 31, 2023


Mawsons Family Day 2023

Our employees and their families gathered together for lunch and an afternoon of activities at the Deniliquin Rams Football Oval earlier this month.

With beautiful weather (after 75ml of rain earlier in the week!), great food and excellent company; hundreds of our employees and their families enjoyed Machinery Simulation Machines, Pony & Camel Rides, Jumping Castles & Rock Climbing Walls along with a great display of Mawsons & Milbrae tankers, tippers & agitators! With a brief walk across the road, attendees were also able to visit The Depot Deni museum which was an enjoyable experience!



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