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Movember 2023

by Rachel Whittaker | Jan 08, 2024


As Christmas approaches, November is slowly disappearing into our rear view mirrors but for 9 Mawsons Men December couldn’t come soon enough. That’s because they had joined the Moustachioed Men of Mawsons and participated in Movember once again. December meant they were now free to return their top lip to normality.

Every year since 2012 the team has joined together to raise awareness of men’s health issues and also to raise funds to contribute to the numerous men’s health programs and research that Movember supports.

This year we have raised nearly $5000 and with Mawsons generous contribution, matching dollar for dollar, a total of nearly $10,000 was raised. Thanks you to all who have supported the team, and if you were wondering, there is still time to donate if you would like to.

As always, the Fair and Transparent Mo Judging Committee (FATMJC) has met and awarded the coveted shield for Best Mawsons Mo to Lachy McGillivray for his reverse mo action achieved by shaving his beard!

Thanks to all the Moustachioed Men, thanks to our donors, and thanks for Mawsons continued support for this worthwhile charity.



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