Broken Hill Landscaping Centre offers:
- Redgum chips
- Pine chips
- Shredded Bark
- RIver Pebbles
- Red Scoria
- Manure
- Bio-mat
- Organic Compost
- Garden Loam
We also blend some of these products together to make potting mixtures and soils that are suitable for vegie gardens, pot plants, ornamental gardens, tree planting etc.
And of course we carry Mawsons quality Quarry and Concrete Products - concrete mix, dust, road base, sand and aggregates and stock 20kg bags of builders cement, con-mix, rapid set, lime and pave lock.
1 Holten Drive
Broken Hill, NSW, 2880
P: 08 8087 2013
F: 08 8087 0173
Contact: Shane Delbridge
Opening Hours:
Mon-Fri 08:00am - 04:00pm
Saturday 08:00am - 12:00pm
Public Holidays CLOSED
Some of our extensive range......